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Machine translation today: to automate or not to automate?

Reading time: 6 mins In recent years, the drive to automate as many processes as possible, using rapidly-developing technology and artificial intelligence, has led to many breakthroughs. Machine translation (MT) is surely one of them. Last month, we briefly explained what machine translation is, how it works, and which tools are the best and most [...]

2022-11-09T13:08:18+01:00November 9th, 2022|Translation Insights|0 Comments

Machine translation: is the future now?

Reading time: 7 mins Machine translation was not so popular a decade ago, with the quality of translations it produced ranging from questionable to disastrous. But times have changed and the technology has improved markedly over the years. With the recent development of deep learning, new and more powerful tools have emerged, while existing tools [...]

2022-10-11T11:03:32+01:00October 11th, 2022|Translation Insights|0 Comments
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