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Translation in the digital age: how machine translation is changing the pharmaceutical industry

Reading time: 6 mins In line with global trends, the medical and pharmaceutical sectors are generating increasing volumes of text. Driven by global manufacturing and distribution of products coupled with regulatory demands, these written documents all require translations into local languages. The near-exponential growth of demand for translation is increasing; tackling all of this [...]

2023-09-07T09:07:36+01:00September 7th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

The language of medicine: mastering medical eponyms

Reading time: 6 mins Medical eponyms are terms used to describe anything from diseases and conditions to procedures, tests, and medical devices. They are a crucial part of medical terminology and can regularly be found in textbooks, scientific papers, medical conversations, and medical documentation. Knowing how to write medical eponyms can be challenging, as [...]

2023-09-07T08:56:01+01:00July 6th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

What makes a good medical translator? These are 5 tell-tale signs.

Reading time: 4 mins You have surely been in this situation before. Your company would like to order a translation. It has to be flawless. Your company does not employ in-house translators, so your task is to find a suitable translator to take on this complex text. How do you know the translator you have [...]

2022-03-04T12:19:48+01:00March 4th, 2022|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Ethics in medical and pharmaceutical translation

Reading time: 5.5 mins Cross-cultural communication is closely connected to social responsibility, a concern shared by most translators and interpreters. To help meaning traverse languages and cultures well, follow industry-specific ethical guidelines. These are a form of social responsibility. Medical interpreters deal with ethical dilemmas in their day-to-day work. When interpreting spoken language in medical [...]

2021-12-07T12:56:44+01:00December 7th, 2021|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments
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