+386 1 231 49 19 | +386 51 664 966|info@alamma.eu

Cultural nuances in medical translation: addressing the unspoken differences

Reading time: 5 min If you are a regular reader of our blogs on medical/pharmaceutical topics, then you know our mantra: medical translation is not merely about converting words. It is an intricate dance between languages and cultures. We have already discussed how marketing texts within the pharmaceutical industry warrant special attention and translation [...]

2024-06-05T13:23:36+01:00May 9th, 2024|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Tips and tricks for terrific translations of tourist texts

Reading time: 4 mins If you look back at your last holiday trip, do you remember what drew you to it? Perhaps it was breath-taking photos of its scenery, rich culture, pleasant climate or friends’ recommendation. Whatever it was that motivated you to pack your bags and explore a new part of the world, [...]

2024-02-13T13:26:37+01:00February 13th, 2024|Translation Insights|0 Comments

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, but how many millilitres is that exactly?

Reading time: 4 mins December is here once again - for many, this is one of the most anticipated times of the year, full of warmth, hope, and the company of loved ones. Can’t you already smell the freshly baked biscuits and hear the crackling fireplaces? You may already be planning your Christmas dinner [...]

2023-12-07T14:02:59+01:00December 7th, 2023|Translation Insights|0 Comments

Conquer local markets through user interface translation

Reading time: 4 mins Recently, the local press has reported that the Slovene government is in talks with Apple to convince them to include the Slovene language on their devices.[1] This is not the first time the issue has been brought up and also not unique to Slovenia, although certainly more commonly observed in [...]

2023-10-05T13:05:13+01:00October 5th, 2023|Translation Insights|0 Comments

Oh, what fun it is to… localise the holidays!

Reading time: 5 mins Before yet another year slowly comes to a close and we take some time off to spend with family and friends, most of us in the business world reflect on the past year and our successful cooperation with our partners. We wish to express our gratitude and good wishes for the [...]

2022-12-07T13:23:07+01:00December 7th, 2022|Translation Insights|0 Comments

Localisation: getting the numbers right

Reading time: approx. 6 min Units of measure, decimals, times and dates At Alamma, we pride ourselves ensuring that our client’s texts work well in the local market for which they are intended. This is called localisation. A successfully localised service or product appears to have been organically developed within the local culture, rather than [...]

2021-07-15T09:42:52+01:00June 3rd, 2021|Translation Insights|0 Comments

Reference materials for medical/pharmaceutical translations

Reading time: approx. 7 min From regulatory requirements to patient safety, the medical and pharmaceutical industry has an overwhelming need for translations. While translation is needed in all aspects of the economy, this need is most acute for medicine, medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Package leaflets, informed consent forms, clinical research protocols, summaries of product [...]

2021-08-09T15:32:46+01:00June 3rd, 2021|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Translation or localisation?

Reading time: approx. 6 min “Localisation” is a broad term. Some might even consider it is GPS-related, something to do with the nice lady who talks to us when we are driving and need directions to a certain destination. At Alamma, we believe in instructions and guidelines and understand the importance of accurate translation. However, [...]

2021-07-15T09:33:38+01:00May 6th, 2021|Translation Insights|0 Comments
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