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Unpacking ISO and CE certificates: non-negotiable for medical device manufacturers

Reading time: 4 mins Quality assurance, regulatory compliance, safety – these are non-negotiables in the pharmaceutical industry. But how do you communicate that your products meet the highest standards? Enter ISO and CE certificates. Let us dive into why these badges of quality are not just crucial but vital for medical device manufacturers. Remember [...]

2024-03-06T11:04:03+01:00March 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Translation: cost or investment?

Reading time: 4 mins Clients may not always recognise the value of translation as an investment in their business. The associated costs are often perceived as an additional burden. However, the importance of translation to the outcome of an operation cannot be overstated. It is imperative that you know whoever you will entrust with the [...]

2023-06-13T13:10:20+01:00June 13th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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