+386 1 231 49 19 | +386 51 664 966|info@alamma.eu

Cultural nuances in medical translation: addressing the unspoken differences

Reading time: 5 min If you are a regular reader of our blogs on medical/pharmaceutical topics, then you know our mantra: medical translation is not merely about converting words. It is an intricate dance between languages and cultures. We have already discussed how marketing texts within the pharmaceutical industry warrant special attention and translation [...]

2024-06-05T13:23:36+01:00May 9th, 2024|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Unlocking success: why your LSP should be at the heart of your expansion plans

Reading time: 3 mins Entering a new market or expanding to a different demographic is an important move for a medical and pharmaceutical company. It is more than understanding the market or creating the right product; it is about communicating effectively and answering the question: “How can we ensure our messages resonate with the [...]

2024-01-11T11:11:18+01:00January 11th, 2024|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Death by ambiguity: why source text clarity is crucial for precise translation

Reading time: 4 mins You are on a tight deadline and you have a load of documents that need translating. You quickly jot down some text in your native language or maybe even English, though it is not your first language. Hold on a second! Have you considered how ambiguous phrases could get lost [...]

2023-10-27T13:51:03+01:00October 27th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Translation in the digital age: how machine translation is changing the pharmaceutical industry

Reading time: 6 mins In line with global trends, the medical and pharmaceutical sectors are generating increasing volumes of text. Driven by global manufacturing and distribution of products coupled with regulatory demands, these written documents all require translations into local languages. The near-exponential growth of demand for translation is increasing; tackling all of this [...]

2023-09-07T09:07:36+01:00September 7th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

The language of medicine: mastering medical eponyms

Reading time: 6 mins Medical eponyms are terms used to describe anything from diseases and conditions to procedures, tests, and medical devices. They are a crucial part of medical terminology and can regularly be found in textbooks, scientific papers, medical conversations, and medical documentation. Knowing how to write medical eponyms can be challenging, as [...]

2023-09-07T08:56:01+01:00July 6th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Preferences in medical and pharma translation – why, when, and how to approach them

Reading time: 6 min As a pharmaceutical company or medical business, you probably rely heavily on language service providers (LSPs) to accurately translate essential documents such as product manuals, regulatory submissions, and marketing materials. However, have you ever considered notifying your LSP of your terminological preferences? Terminology plays a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry, [...]

2023-05-11T12:48:41+01:00May 11th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Case study: tailoring clinical trial documentation translations to the target reader

Reading time: 6 mins Translating clinical trial documentation is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the target audience. The process involves translating patient-facing materials, such as informed consent forms and instructions for patients and carers, as well as healthcare provider-facing documentation, such as clinical trial protocols. To ensure [...]

2023-09-07T08:56:51+01:00April 4th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Translating clinical trial documentation: 2 main challenges

Reading time: 6 mins Translating with the target reader in mind is never simple. Not only does the translator need to transfer the meaning of the source text to the target language correctly, they also need to “hit” the target register just right. In short: the right message needs to be communicated in the right [...]

2023-01-12T13:46:38+01:00January 12th, 2023|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Case study: large translation order with a tight deadline – how did we do it?

Reading time: 7 mins With this article we are introducing a new series: case studies. Our aim is to discuss past projects which were particularly challenging or in some way unusual and show you how we approached them. This will allow you to better understand our process of managing translation projects. Perhaps there are even [...]

2022-06-07T10:44:02+01:00June 7th, 2022|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments

Promoting pharmaceuticals: how to approach the translation of marketing texts

Reading time: 6 mins Promoting products to potential buyers is an indispensable part of any company’s business strategy - the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. Given the type of product they are selling, pharmaceutical companies often need to abide by more rigid rules and take extra care to advertise responsibly and accurately. Language service providers [...]

2023-09-13T08:32:36+01:00May 5th, 2022|Medicine & Pharmaceuticals|0 Comments
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