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DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE Cooperation Agreement Password authentication is required to access the document. Insert password in the box below and click "Download now". The download will begin automatically; in case of any difficulties, please let us know.

2021-02-24T11:05:26+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments


DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE Translation, Proofreading, and Revision Policy Password authentication is required to access the document. Insert password in the box below and click "Download now". The download will begin automatically; in case of any difficulties, please let us know.

2021-02-24T11:06:49+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments


DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE Invoicing Policy Password authentication is required to access the document. Insert password in the box below and click "Download now". The download will begin automatically; in case of any difficulties, please let us know.

2021-02-24T11:05:55+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments


PRENOS INTERNE DOKUMENTACIJE Politika izdajanja računov Za dostop do dokumenta je potreben vnos gesla v polje spodaj. Po vnosu gesla in kliku na gumb "Prenos" se bo prenos datoteke začel samodejno. Prosimo, da nas v primeru težav kontaktirate.

2021-02-24T11:06:03+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments


PRENOS INTERNE DOKUMENTACIJE Politika prevajanja, lektoriranja in revidiranja Za dostop do dokumenta je potreben vnos gesla v polje spodaj. Po vnosu gesla in kliku na gumb "Prenos" se bo prenos datoteke začel samodejno. Prosimo, da nas v primeru težav kontaktirate.

2021-02-24T11:06:12+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments

Revizor porocilo

PRENOS INTERNE DOKUMENTACIJE Revizorjevo poročilo Po kliku na gumb "Prenos" se bo prenos datoteke začel samodejno. Prosimo, da nas v primeru težav kontaktirate. Za dostop do tega dokumenta vnos gesla ni potreben.

2022-12-22T16:10:52+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments

Reviewer’s form

DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE Reviewer's Form The download will begin automatically by clicking the button below. In case of any difficulties, please let us know. No password authentication is required to access this document.

2022-12-22T16:11:17+01:0021 februarja, 2020|Dokumentacija|0 Comments


PRENOS INTERNE DOKUMENTACIJE Sporazum o sodelovanju Za dostop do dokumenta je potreben vnos gesla v polje spodaj. Po vnosu gesla in kliku na gumb "Prenos" se bo prenos datoteke začel samodejno. Prosimo, da nas v primeru težav kontaktirate.

2021-02-24T11:06:37+01:0028 novembra, 2019|Dokumentacija|0 Comments
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